American Legion Post 354
Virginia Department, Eastern Region, District 11
"Veterans Strengthening America"
February Members Meeting Canceled due to high water level
Post 354 volunteers place flags at Virginia Veterans Cemetery Amelia in preparation for Veterans Day 2024
Crabfeast 2024
For those who couldn't attend Post 354's Annual Crabfeast, you certainly missed a great time. A "little" rain didn't dampen the fun, camaraderie and food. Friends, old and new alike had a terrific time. Thanks to Ryan Goodrich for an outstanding job organizing Post 354's 51st Annual Crabfeast!
Upper left: Ryan Goodrich gets some help selecting the winning ticket for the plan ride.
Lower left: Paul Heinrich congratulates this year's raffle winner, Lonny Fry. Lonny must now decide if he will personally fly in this WWII fighter trainer or pass this prize along to a family member.
Congratulations Lonny and be sure to take tons of photos.
Ben King delivers keynote address for Chesterfield County Memorial Day Ceremony.
Ben currently serves as the Operation Director at the Virginia War Memorial. He is also the Virginia Department Commander for the Military Order of the Purple Heart and the Americanism Officer for American Legion Post 354. His work and contributions have been highlighted in the Washington Post, Richmond Times-Dispatch, and National Geographic Magazine, as well as in several books focused on military and veteran mental health.
For more photos, click here.
Post 354 Flag Placement for Memorial Day 2024
Thank you to all the Veterans who served this great nation. All gave some, some gave all. Each year on Memorial Day, Post 354 members place flags on graves at Ameila Cemetery to honor our fallen comrades at the Virginia Veterans Cemetery. Here are some photos of this years volunteers.
For more photos, click here.
RVA Bluegrass Jam 2024
American Legion Post 354 was pleased to once again host the RVA Bluegrass Jam to benefit Fisher House and Liberation Veteran Services.
For more photos from the 2024 RVA Bluegrass Jam Click Here
Fall Cleanup 2023
For more photos, click here.
From the Post 354 Commander
It doesn’t get any better than this! Today’s post cleanup was truly a success thanks to the many who joined us and helped.
Special thanks to:
· Alpha Company Fort Gregg Adams
· JROTC James River High School
· ROTC program University of Richmond
· and the Post 354 members who attended.
And special thanks to Mission barbecue for providing a delicious lunch.
It was wonderful to see all and share stories and express our mutual admiration and concern for each other. I sat at a table during lunch, and one of our Post members who is a Vietnam veteran shared his experience coming home, and how he had to go into the return flight plane’s restroom and change out of this uniform before he arrived back in the states due to the social climate at that time. At the table with me for several AIT students from Fort Gregg Adams, it was powerful for them to hear this message, and to know we are all connected in our service to our Nation.
Bobby Arnold
Post 354 Commander
Veterans Day
Thank you to all the Veterans who served this great nation. All gave some, some gave all. Each year on Veterans Day, November 11, The Post 354 members place flags on the graves to honor our fallen comrades at the Virginia Veterans Cemetery. Followed by a free meal generously provided by Mission BBQ who supports Veterans not only on Veterans Day, but also other patriotic holidays throughout the year.
Jim Davis
3/29/1947 - 8/31/2023
It was with sadness that we said goodbye to long time Post 354 member Jim Davis. Jim made many contributions to Post 354 over the years and he will be missed by everyone who knew him.
A memorial service for Jim was held at Post 354, on the bank of the James River. It was a beautiful day for a service with Jim's family and friends and fellow Post 354 members in attendance.
Congressional Gold Medallion presented to WW II Mariner
Post 354 presented a Congressional Gold Medallion to WW II Mariner George Worsham, 98 year old survivor of 2 ship sinking's during the War.
ScucciFest 2022
Crab Feast 2022
Art Camp for Kids
One of the four pillars of The American Legion is Children and Youth, and Post 354 is pleased to contribute to the Mission of The American Legion by offering the use its facilities for events like this one. For more details, click here: Pillar 4: Children and Youth
Troop Court of Honor
Post 354 was pleased to support Boy Scout Troop 1829 by providing its facilities for their Court of Honor. This is a formal recognition with families, friends, and the public in attendance. All Scouts who have moved up to any rank except Eagle Scout, or who have earned merit badges since the last court of honor, are recognized.
Memorial Day Ceremony 2022
Post 354 Commander, Bobby Arnold, was Master of Ceremonies for this years Memorial Day Ceremony, which was held at the Veterans Cemetery in Amelia, and included guest speaker Senator Amanda Chase, 11th District Virginia.
Post Everlasting
Post Everlasting is an annual sacred ritual performed by American Legion members honoring the recently deceased members of their respective Post. It is a time to honor their memory and recognize their contribution to the Freedom of America.
This year, Post 354 honored, Earnest F Barham, Army National Guard 20 yrs, and James W McLees, US Navy 20 yrs.
The Jam raises money for the Richmond Fisher House,
a home for military families to stay while their veterans and soldiers are in the VA medical center.
Boys To Men Mentoring Group 10th Anniversary
See more photos by clicking here ...
Spring Cleanup 2022
Special thanks to Col. Anthony Atlas and the Manchester High School JROTC team for helping to spruce up Post 354 just on time for Spring!
Thanks also goes to those Post 354 members who helped with the cleanup; John Robison, John Sharpe, Bobby Arnold, Dave Nelson, Jim Davis, Jim McConnell, John Blair,Paul Heinrich
December Raffle
This year's raffle drawing was held at Mission BBQ in Midlothian, where hostess Cari drew the winning ticket number (00072) from the barrel. Congratulations to the lucky winner Colette Pagnotti, sold by Doug Seaman. Special thanks to Mission BBQ for hosting this event and to Paul Heinrich for managing the drawing for Sam Rosenthal who unexpectedly couldn't be there. Proceeds from this raffle will help American Legion Post 354 expand its outreach programs to assist other veterans who can use a little help.
Members Christmas Party
Crabfeast 2021
Perfect weather and more crabs than anyone could eat led to a sold out event!
4th of July Members Picnic
Our first 4th of July Members Picnic was a huge success thanks to the numerous volunteers who helped put it all together. Mother Nature helped as well because it was a stunningly beautiful day to have a picnic along the James River.
One hundred and twenty five people RSVP'd and judging by the crowd everyone of them attended, plus some.
There were hamburgers and hot dogs on the grills and all the dressings to go with them, as well as coleslaw, potato salad, baked beans, plenty of beer and soft drinks and ice cream.
There was also live music by the Old Money band and games to play.
Green Top and Bass Pro Shop
Recognized as Sponsors of Post 354's 2021 Poppy Drive
Green Top
Left to Right, Blaine Altasser, Hunter Brooks, Bobby Arnold, Jeff Hopkins, Lisa Harmon, Jimmy Hyman
Green Top
Post 354 Commander, Bobby Arnold, presents Blaine Altassers with a Certificate of Recognition for Green Top's support of the American Legion.
Bass Pro Shop
Left to Right, Matt Watson, Bobby Arnold, John Gardner
Bass Pro Shop
Post 354 Commander, Bobby Arnold, presents Matt Watson with a Certificate of Recognition for Bass Pro Shop's support of the American Legion.
Everlasting Memorial Service
Commander Arnold and Chaplain Jarreau conduct Post Everlasting for departed Veteran Members of Post 354. We honor our deceased Veterans for their Patriotism, love of their country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good.
Supporting Homeless Veterans
Liberation Veteran Services (LVS) offers homeless veterans the care, resources and stability needed to rebuild their lives. LVS believes two words that should never go together are "homeless" and "veteran." LVS is dedicated to providing a safe haven exclusively for veterans in crisis. Beyond offering transitional and rapid rehousing, LVS takes time to counsel each and every vet they serve, treating them with the dignity and respect they deserve. LVS believes this personalized approach to rehabilitation is the reason why the veterans LVS serves are able to successfully go on to lead productive, fulfilling lives in the community.
Post 354 is pleased to contribute toward helping other veterans.
Al Meyer (R), Post 354 member, presents Fletcher Johnson (L), Program Director, at Liberation Veteran Services in Richmond, Va. with a donation of $500 to help support the efforts of LVS. In the center is David Field, Adjutant, Post 354 in Midlothian, Virginia.
New Home for Mobility Scooter
American Legion Post 354 has found a new home for the mobility scooter donated to Post 354 by Pete & Gayle Morris of Chesterfield. Matthew Kozusko, who is 91 years old, and a long time member Post 354, was pleased to receive the mobilty scooter and hopes to use it to visit friends in his neighborhood.
To learn more about Matthew click here:
To learn more about the scooter click here:
As American Legion Post 354 continues our commitment to the community. Our Post donated an electric stair lift to a worthy family in North Chesterfield, VA. It is with great pride that we can make this family's life a little easier while furthering one of our core principals.
Greg Taczak from Falls Church, VA. is the official winner of the Post 354 Raffle. Pictured above is Paul Heinrich (L) presenting the prize to Chet Holtyn (R) who will deliver the prize to the winner.
Post member Chet Holtyn sold the winning ticket and will receive a $50.00 cash prize.
Jim Tucker sold the most, an amazing 65 tickets and will receive a $50 cash prize. Way to go Jim!
For those of you who could not join us today for our Christmas Luncheon you missed a great time.
A special thanks to our Commander for organizing our Christmas lunch at Mission BBQ today.
Thanks to everyone for stepping up and supporting American Legion Post 354.
Merry Christmas from all of us at Post 354 to you and your families and please stay safe.